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Finger lakes pony club

Join the Finger Lakes Pony Club for fun, adventure and equestrian training in various fields of discipline. Finger Lakes Pony Club provides instruction from a broad network of trainers with unique educational backgrounds to help build the next generation of equestrians!

Mounted Training

We host weekly opportunities to train with top quality instructors to increase your skills. Weekly lessons are scheduled for Friday evenings from 5-8pm in group format. Sign up for the weekly rides by clicking the button and choosing the mounted ride you wish to attend.

UnMounted Training

Pony Club focuses on making well trained equestrian youth in all areas and disciplines. We often host unmounted skills from equine professionals such as animal husbandry, vetrinarians, farriers, and many more! Learn about upcoming unmounted sessions.

Book Your Mounted & Unmounted Lessons Here. Use the booking portal to schedule your lessons, pay for them and reserve space for the unmounted sessions as well.

Book a Mounted Lesson @ Asbury Equestrian 


Pay Your pony club membership

Pony Club Membership